
March 19, 2015

Spoken Word-I Can't Breathe without You

I can't breathe without you.
I can't breathe without your touch.
I can't breath without your kiss.
I can't breathe without your smile.
I can't breathe without your gentle strokes against my body.
I can't breathe without the your arms wrapped around me to protect me, to embrace me, to caress me.
I can't breathe without your warm body pressed against mine.
I can't breathe without your love.
I can't breathe without your electrifying touch of your lips that excites my body from head to toe.
I can't breathe without you.

Photo source Credits: Via Pinterest blacks 
All spoken words are owned by Letrise Carter and copyrighted 2015.

March 12, 2015

Update from Mya

I have been busy working on the design of my author's website that we are planning to go live on April 1, 2015.  I am very excited about the new website as it will house all of my Blogs, press release, book announcements, book tours, giveaways, appearances, and book launch for my debut novel Sister's Secret.  I will be sharing in the coming weeks the book cover for my debut novel. 

Writing my first novel has been truly amazing, long hours, and lots of editing.  Though we are not finished yet, but it will be a masterpiece that you all will love.  Sister's Secret is the introductory novel to the series as you will get to learn about the three sisters and all their drama, conflicts, and romance these sisters can get themselves into with three handsome men determined to bring out the best and worst. 

Follow me on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date with what's going on with me.  New direction and new opportunities to greatness ahead.

 Remember, to never give up on your dreams.  Keep pushing forward.  If you fall get back up.
Photo Credits: Courtesy of Pinterest

Have a great Day all!

March 3, 2015

Who is Mya Diamonds?

Who is Author Letrise Carter?   She is a woman that loves to step inside the mind of her muse Mya's Relationship Chronicles. It's a great way to get creative with her altar ego Mya! Mya is inhibited and she is not afraid to step outside the box to create the unthinkable drama, pain, conflict, excitement, love, and ecstasy.

I was listening to the radio this morning and a question was posed, Who am I?  I  am a writer who is passionate about my gifts that I have been blessed with to inspire others through sharing my story whether its through fictional characters, a testimony, or a memoir.  I have discovered along this beautiful journey of life that I am ambitious, have a wild imagination, and a big dreamer.   I am a woman hoping to touch the hearts and minds of women and men with inspirational spoken word and stories about love with drama, life issues, family issues, and strong messages.  I am like a candle burning in the night hoping to lead someone out of darkness onto a journey of forgiveness that leads to happiness.
Photo Credits: Courtesy of Phoenix

Creating characters for me allows me to step outside the box, be mysterious, be uniquely, and be dramatic.  Writing  allows me to be in another world sometimes.  Writing allows me to talk about real issues in relationships that many have experienced who understands and who can share in laughter, joy, and even tears. For those who have not experienced the trials and tribulations of relationships and problems, be a light over a dark bridge.  

Who is Letrise Carter?  She is a writer of fiction, blogger, business woman, and big dreamer. She has a altar ego of a woman not afraid to let her dreams and desires come alive on paper.  She is a romance writer that hooks and plots drama, conflict, and real life issues with characters.