
June 17, 2015

Marriage-Is he ready for marriage?

Is he ready for marriage? How does one know when a prospective mate or someone your dating is ready for marriage? You learn these things by communicating up front in the getting to know me phase (Date 1) before you invest time in a relationship. Before he says 2 years later he is not ready for marriage or he is never getting marriage.

I have heard few pastors preach on this matter. Most say, all men know when they are ready for marriage. I agree with that statement. If he has a true relationship with God, he will be able to recognize his wife when the father presents her to him.  So, if your dating a man and he tells you up front that he is not looking for a wife or he is not ready for marriage believe him.  Allow him to get himself together and ready for marriage. 

Men and women mature at different ages and that's okay. Men like to have themselves together before stepping into a committed marriage. Most real men pride themselves on being able to be a provider of the household. I have watched friends and associates  go through the joy of dating someone and pressuring him into marriage only for them to get divorced less than a year because he was not ready. He only did it to shut her up. Most importantly, a man chasing his dream may or may not be ready for a wife.

Photo Source: Corbis via Facebook

Wise words to live by, allow him to be ready for marriage and not pressured into marriage so that you can have longevity of a healthy and happy marriage.  

Is the guy your dating, ready for marriage? 

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