
September 1, 2015

What's your love language?

Love is a powerful word filled with strong emotional and embodies your heart and soul.    Your love language is how you express your feelings to your partner.  We all express our love language in different ways.  It's imperative that your relationship can identify your love language.  Being able to learn your partners love language will be essential to the relationship.  I read a book by Gary Chapman, called Five Love Languages  and he describe the five essential love languages.   
  1. Words of Affection-these are verbal compliments that state how beautiful you are and can reference your smile or an outfit that makes you look sexy.
  2. Quality Time- This is someones undivided attention that they give you without being on social media.  It's time dedicated solely to you.
  3. Receiving Gifts-This is a visual expression of love.  It could be in the form of flowers, candy, a card, a love note, or jewelry.
  4. Acts of Service-This is a form of service done that shows your partner that you appreciate them.  Things like cooking their favorite meal or dessert.  It's small things that say I love you, a back massage after a long hard day.
  5. Physical Touch-This is the most powerful of the 4 love languages, because the touch is physical connection like kissing, caressing, sex, holding hands, and simple erotic touches.
 Are you a combination of love languages?  Everyone should have physical touch that is a given in any relationship.  Would you want your partner or future husband to be?  I would want him to be affectionate with his words, value his quality time, and adore his physical touch.  What's your love language?

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